ZŠ U Obory Vachkova – Uhříněves

  • Year of implementation: 2023
  • Country: the Czech Republic
  • Place of realization: Uhříněves
  • Segment: Sports field

Solution and technology description

ENIKA.CZ successfully completed the modernization of the lighting in the gymnasium of the Vachkova U obory Primary School in Uhříněves. The investor, the Prague 22 Municipal District, commissioned the energy-efficient replacement of lighting with an emphasis on quality lighting conditions that will ensure a safe environment for sports activities of even the smallest pupils. At the same time to find a solution for the possibility of dividing the lighting system into several zones for different types of activities in the gym.

For this modernization, Sportler luminaires from the German manufacturer Regiolux were chosen, which provide optimal lighting conditions for sports activities and are characterized by low power consumption. A Poseidon wireless lighting control system is used to control multiple zones.

The Poseidon system integrates mobile four-channel transmitters with IP65 protection, which ensures resistance to mechanical damage and allows easy control of the lighting from any location in the gym. Each transmitter controls any number of receivers within radio range, with DALI output receivers allowing control of dimmable ballasts. In this way it is then possible to divide the luminaires into multiple zones, setting the desired intensity for each, etc.


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